How slot machines took over the online gambling world

When the concept of online casinos was introduced in the 90s, no one would have guessed that online gambling would become a billion-dollar industry one day. Avid casino goers did not perceive them as an alternative to the glamorous casinos whose charm lured in bettors, seasoned or amateurs, in swarms.

Fast forward to today, the online gambling industry has become a massive empire, thanks to the increased use of the internet, mobile devices, and advanced technology. When we look at the increased popularity of online gambling, some games stand out and have contributed significantly to shaping the online gambling industry to make it what it is today. Online slot machines are one such fine example.

Let’s look into how the phenomenon of online slots has taken over the online gambling world and what factors have contributed to their popularity.

Slot machines- a historical perspective

The first thing you may notice when you walk into a land-based casino is the buzzing, colorful slot machines. The first slot machines were introduced in casinos almost a hundred years ago. Since they were launched, they have become one of the most popular attractions of casinos and the major revenue contributors as well.

Over time, the basic slot machines were modified to incorporate advanced features. Some major milestones include the introduction of an automated payment mechanism in 1895, the addition of bar symbols in 1907, and the introduction of the electrical slot machine in 1964.

Slots go online

Therefore, it was only natural that slots were one of the earliest games introduced on online gambling platforms when online casinos were introduced. One of the first games introduced in online casinos was Reel’ Em In, launched in 1996. The game was quite basic and had a five-reel format. It featured 25 pay-lines and also offered a bonus round.

The popularity of online slots

The basic online boslot introduced in the 90s have come a long way since their inception. Online casinos continue introducing and incorporating new features to attract more players and keep them hooked.

One such development in this regard is the introduction of theme-based slots. The theme concepts are designed on various concepts and even popular TV series and movies. The slots have remarkable graphic images and character depiction, making playing slots very exciting and fun.

Another factor that has contributed majorly towards the popularity of the online slots is the increased use of mobile devices and compatibility of the game apps with mobile interfaces. Previously, strict regulations were in place, inhibiting the wide use of casino apps.

However, in 2017, many such restrictions were relaxed, allowing gambling sites to incorporate advanced features and enable mobile compatibility for their sites. This has led to a massive increase in the influx of players due to increased ease of access and using the sites.

While all the factors have sparked an interest in online slots, the overall online gambling industry has experienced growth during the times of the pandemic. The closure of land-based casinos, increased time at home, and use of mobile and internet led many people to online gambling sites causing a rapid increase in the number of players.